380gm of delicious, cold extracted, pure, raw HUM HONEY presented in a bear shaped faceted glass jar with a cute yellow hat lid cover. Each harvest flavour varies depending on what is flowering in the biodiverse hardwood timber forest and subtropical rainforests that surround the apiaries in the pristine Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast.
Click here to discover what you will be tasting
Hum Honey Bear 380g Pure | Raw | Never Heated
380gm of delicious, cold extracted, pure, raw HUM HONEY presented in a bear shaped faceted glass jar with a cute yellow hat lid cover with our custom beeswax HUM HONEY waxseal. Each harvest flavour varies depending on what is flowering in the biodiverse hardwood timber forest and subtropical rainforests that surround the apiaries in the pristine Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast.